Essential reflections on the ethical implications of the use of artificial intelligence in the elaboration of high impact scientific articles




artificial intelligence, scientific articles, ethical implications, cognitive capacities, Multiverse Journal.


Everything indicates that the presence of various forms of artificial intelligence AI in all human activities, with special emphasis on the processes of production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, will increase at a dizzying pace in the coming years. This situation demands the development of a set of interdisciplinary debates and reflections, which account for the multiple scope of the relationship between human intelligence and AI. Therefore, the aim of this editorial was, on the one hand, to reflect on the ethical implications of the use of artificial intelligence in the elaboration of high impact scientific articles, and; on the other hand, to present the research papers of this new issue corresponding to volume 03, number 05 of the July-December 2023 edition of Multiverse Journal. Methodologically, use was made of the documentary research technique and hermeneutics to interpret and organize the sources collected. It is concluded that, although the phenomenon of AI is incorporated into the very core of the production of knowledge and scientific knowledge, something that is difficult to reverse, its use has profound and varied implications, not only for the life of academic communities, but also for society in general.

Author Biography

Jorge J. Villasmil Espinoza, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.

Historiador experto en procesos históricos contemporáneos. Doctor en Ciencia Política con estudios postdoctorales en Derechos Humanos. Profesor titular de la Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.  Editor de Cuestiones Políticas; Editor jefe de Multiverso Journal. Miembro fundador de la Fundación Difusión Científica. 


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How to Cite

Villasmil Espinoza, J. J. . (2023). Essential reflections on the ethical implications of the use of artificial intelligence in the elaboration of high impact scientific articles. Multiverso Journal, 3(5), 4–11.


